My Whisk and Mat

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Summer's Not Over!

Yes, people!  We still have one whole month, plus a few more weeks of warm weather!

For myself, I am about to take advantage of what the rest of the season has to offer.  In more ways than one, I think there is something we are all going to miss.  Whether it's the laid-back vibes, vacations, farmers market, or beach days, there is no better feeling than the freedom Summer has to offer.  

With Fall coming, not only is this month the time to take advantage, but also prepare.  More mentally, than anything else.  A post is to come soon filled with Fall tips and treasures, but for now, I want to make sure we are living in-tune with the late Summer Sun as much as possible. 

Here is a list of the goodies, recommendations, and last minute reminders on how to enjoy and prepare for what is to come.


Drink them.  Eat them.  Blend them.  Whether in juice form for straight nutrients, or smoothies and salads for fiber, we want to take advantage of the greens this month before the colder temperatures kick in.  Even though they aren't as abundant when we started summer (Spring's abundance), we still have great herbs and green veggies to mix in.  Kale, zucchini, okra, cilantro, and parsley are some of my favorites.  If you are lucky enough to get your hands on some detoxifying dandelions, go for it!


My all time favorite snack (next to hummus and chips, of course).  Each one full of so many vitamins and minerals, great for both the skin and body.  Eat'em up!  The sun has certainly taken a toll on our skin, so natural prevention and remedies start with food.  Stock up on your tomatoes, peaches, and blueberries as a great and easy way to keep your skin bright and belly full.

Coconut Oil

Your skins best friend during the warmer months.  This is an all-Summer routine, and for some, all year round.  A great anti-bacterial and moisturizer with a light SPF, most people can benefit from this oil, even those with oilier skin.  Out of all the oils, coconut oil is one of the lightest when applied.  Great for skin and hair, keep your skin hydrated and healthy right until Fall hits us with the dryness. 

Healthy Sun

In the winter, Vitamin D levels drop so much, many experience what is called Seasonal Affective Disorder.  This compromises your health, motivation, and over all good-feeling.  Although it is something that can be helped starting in the Fall, for now I want to focus on soaking in all the sun/Vit-D you can.  Whether it is a morning walk or mediation, to a day at the beach or park, enjoy what's left.  Don't be afraid of sweat and don't be afraid of lotion.


How easy it is to stay active and fit in the Summer!  Warm weather and longer days motivates myself more than I care to admit.  Which is why this month is key to keep it up and maybe go a little harder.  Yes, even a yogi like me wants to kick some ass.  Enjoy the tacos, enjoy the vacation days, and enjoy the work that comes with it.  You want to make sure we go into Fall feeling amazing as possible.  However that may be for yourself, commit to it for a lasting effect.

This is a LIFE-STYLE.  Fit it to your every want and need.