Brooklyn Baby

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A long time coming. Not necessarily the Brooklyn part, but my move away from home, out of Jersey.


For a while, I felt deeply out of place. If you asked me two years ago if I would consider even working in New York, my answer was “Hell. No.” I was a Jersey Girl. I had a car, I knew towns by their exits on the parkway, familiar with the east and west, laughed if you thought North and South Jersey were the same. I loved the dirty jersey beaches and was a frequent goer every summer with every car that I had. Until recently


Things were destined to change, with unexpected turns and losses, I slowly started to give it all up. I became a commuter. I was not sure if my sanity and money was worth it, but I continued. I continued to hustle, I sold my car, I started adding extra days and nights in the city, only to be home a few nights for dinner and on Sundays where I hated leaving the house. I felt displaced.

Boqueria, Forte Green, Brooklyn

Boqueria, Forte Green, Brooklyn

I fell in love with New York and everything it had to offer. Going to school for something I was passionate about, the Union Square Market at my finger tips a few days a week, the buildings, the freedom, the ultimate place to be single and not feel yourself being left out. You are always welcomed somewhere. That’s what I drew me into this city. I never felt so happy or fortunate to just be me, to be on my own.

With uncertainty, little sleep, and not enough money, I took the opportunity. Instead of my will to merge my two worlds, the one of suburban NJ and the city streets, I decided to make New York my home, and pretty lucky to say Brooklyn now.


With every decision I have made, comes concerns and opinions of others. And, I guess that is why I kept this decision to myself. With only family and couple of friends to talk to about it with, even still I got every side mentioned to. And I moved the fuck along. Because, I not only learned a few years ago, but recently accepted, that my path is unique. It has not been done. Not the way I could do it.  I have taken much of what I learned in childhood and school, and pushed it away. I needed to create space to learn something new. 


So I leave you with this. A sincere thank you and promise. Thank you for continuing to read this blog and follow My Whisk and Mat whether in New Jersey, Florida, or New York. For the unbelievable support.  Believing in my mission and being part of the journey. And a promise, to not give up. Even when things got so emotionally and physically impossible, I found a way to make it happen again. Blogging, creating, and sharing is part of what I love, and I knew I had to find a way back to it.

I moved to Brooklyn. I moved to New York City.

MI familia, gracias.

MI familia, gracias.

Pictures by Michele Vignola.  Photography badass and amazing friend. 

Sunday Cortado, 14

Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley

Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley

Happy New Year, my dears!  I wish I could have done an end of the year post, but internet service and life get's in the way.  As there hasn't been a Cortado in almost two months, and I even miss the one planned, we have some extra links and loves.  I think there may be a little bit for everyone here to enjoy.  Or, maybe just me? 

Enjoy this Cortadito, set a little different for my wide (but pretty predictable if you know me, and I think you all do) selection of interests and reads!

New York Lovin'

Help the homeless as these freezing temperatures hit for frequent New Yorkers. 

Otherwise, enjoy like some of these people who clearly aren't afraid of a good flurry.

Case for the Subway:  It helped build the city, now it's time for the city to help build it back.  

Latino History and Literature

Dare I say that Puerto Rico is a VISIBLE example of colonialism gone wrong.  Here is something for those who still dream.  

I'm on mission to get through the most influential literature by latinos (is this a college elective or book club? Sign me up) of my time.

My favorites so far?  Juniot Diaz, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.  And Drown and This Is How You Lose Her.  

Rights and Movements

Boston. Racism. Image. Reality.  Surprising statistics from a well known "progressive and liberal" city.  

How these celebrities are standing up and helping ALL WOMEN.  Time's Up!

Single people.  We still exist, now more than ever.  Don't underestimate us.  

Food and Health

5 Superfoods to Eat in 2018.  Or forever. 

Inflammation-Fighting Winter Vegetables.  Still yummy. 

Who want's to go out in this cold weather anyway?  What to Cook This January.    

2018 Intentions and Visions (Yes, I have them too)

Yoga. Yoga. Yoga. And practice.  A great way to look at the New Year using this Yoga Trifecta

Let's talk money and savings.  I had a scary revelation on my everyday Americano habit....

I always say, Rihanna as a singer, eh.  Rihanna as style and fashion bad ass, show me the way!


Coffee Confidential's

Joe & The Juice, New York

Joe & The Juice, New York

Well another week has passed, and if you are like me as of late, we really are confused as to wear the time has gone.  I've been considering a lot of different things as of late.  Job options, menu choices, and coffee vs matcha as of late.  Some really hard stuff, ya feel me?

Then every Sunday I think to myself, "Did I accomplish everything?" Not something I'm proud of, but something I learn to accept, for RIGHT NOW.

I thought we talk and list and ramble this Sunday morning/afternoon, if you will.

1.  Let's talk about working with what you got. I spent two shopping prepping for meals to come and I still found myself needing more! Seriously?  I looked at my pantry and for the first time in a while it was full.  I realized I had been over thinking it.  I used to make magic with anything.  So, when my menu comes out, don't be surprised if it says vegetable in season/available.  Surprise!!! Own it. Explore it. Be proud of it.

2.  I'm in a need of a new book.  I've been reading Gabrielle Bernstein's 108 book.  But, with longer train rides and alittle more downtime, I think a story is needed.  Even to give my mind a rest from thinking about food and work.  

3.  I've become a matcha fan.  A matcha fanatic if you will.  Can you believe I actually used to have to force it down my throat?  Sorry for any visuals.  But in all seriousness, I was not a fan.  I thought it made for a good coffee alternative for when under-the-weather.  But it used to taste like creamy green tea? Well, now I like creamy green tea lol

4.  Found another Netflix series!  I've actually been watching, Parenthood, as I've noticed I'm a sucker for family-real-talk TV.  I grew up with being very close with my family, grandparents, aunts, uncle, and cousins.  I guess it's a bit of nostalgia and wish to never change.  Like I say, "La vida no es facíl."

5.  The runner up is, The Chef's Table. OMGGGG! Give me all the inspiring foodie stories, all the failures and struggles, and all the good food proudly created.  It really does make you think about food in it's more vulnerable pure form, and how one person can make this ingredient so accessible to the masses.  Only with care, conciousness, and curiosity. Extra. Ordinary.  Basically, I want to go to cooking school now.  Or maybe in 10 years.  Or maybe in my dreams.  Hey, it's never too late, right?

6.  I finally see, or rather feel, the energy that so many people have tried to express.  I'm talking there love and appreciation for New York City. To be honest, I never saw much past the Christmas spectacular, broadway, and people looking super trendy in the dead of winter.  Yet now, I kinda love it.  I feel the diversity, strength, and pride that has gone with it.  I may be there to stay, just for a bit longer.

7.  I'm still a Jersey Girl.  My car let's my soul wander.  Downtowns keep me humble. The shore is my forever summer love affair. 

8.  Go to yoga.  Practice yoga. Make yoga. 


PS.  Excuse the typos.  I was flyin' free this morning

PSS. None of my links decided to work. So this is what we talked about.