Sunday Cortado 20


These posts are so therapeutic for me to get out there. I love reading articles early in the morning. To wake up, leave my phone for a few hours, and have my own time. I do my routine and sit myself in front of the laptop for an hour or so and read. I usually find myself wanting to share what catches my eye or attention.

Thankfully, I have a partner who usually asks me if I read anything good. But, why not talk about it here too… through my blog. For those that come around and visit, here’s what I’m reading, cooking, and feeling as of late.


This is a Podcast! Puerto Ricans are asked what is their race and the question is not so easy to understand.

I’ve been reading, The Turkish Lover. Esmeralda lets me see my grandma, mother, and myself in each book she wrote.

When they were just beginning. If you love some vintage photos and NYT article features, this is for you.

Do you want to know what Stanley Tucci is cooking during this quarantine? Yes, you do.

Grocery bills are rising. Something that hurts my soul every week while I still try to navigate possible options.

I’ve been getting some amazing reviews on these biscuits. Please make them. Easiest recipe ever.

And the cake from my last post, this Tres Leches. My new go-to.

This pandemic taught me how important it is to have a go-to brownie. These cocoa brownies are a must.

I finally started baking bread like the rest of the world! I stink, but these pitas give me hope.

Esquites. This is more for my partner than for me, but I’ll take them all summer long.

Sunday Cortado, 10

Doughnut Plant, W 23 St

Doughnut Plant, W 23 St

The last couple of weeks have ranged from completely booked and overworked, to a complete mental break filled with baked goods, home cooked meals, organization, and day dreams.  Ya'll, your girl was tired. 

I think the point of this wellness thing (yes sometimes it's still a thing to me) is to learn it doesn't ALWAYS have to be that way.  In reality, it may seem we are constantly busy and overbooked, but at the end of the day (or week), our bodies deserve that break, our minds deserve that sanity, and our souls deserve that peace.  Ya hear me?  I wanted nothing more than to come back to writing, serving delicious new recipes and ideas.  Consistently brainstorming and wanting to share, I had no choice but to wait.  That my dears, is okay.  

Grab a coffee or cortado, and a donut if your lucky.  

At such a young age, I don't think it's necessary to separate.  If girls and boys want to work together through challenges and lessons, let them.

Food Inequality in Venezuela.  Quick video to show perspective of what's really going on. 

Helping your former student through a prison cell.  When your job is truly your passion and heart. 

I've really been into literature of the Hispanic Culture.  A story that allows you to look back into their history, relate to our own culture, and be proud of where we came from.  Drown did not disappoint. 

If your a woman in business, finance, or any type of male dominated work-force, please read.  The Moment that Made Me A Feminist.  

More important than ever for minorities to have a face in world of wellness.  Black Women and Wellness: What it means to be Well in 2017.

Inner Life of an Introvert.  Simple drawings to let you know what's really going on in our head.  We still love you!

Fall Kitchen Guide.  Bring this list with you to your nearest Home Goods.  They always know the way to my heart. 

One of my biggest dreams is to have a small gathering on a rustic table to serve amazing food in a creative ambiance.  How To Throw a Fall Party is pinned 

Anti-Inflammatory Diet on a Budget.  I can dig it. 

Chocolate Mint Matcha Cups.  I have matcha sitting in my cupboard and this seems like the only logical use for it right now. 

I'm still a believer and still a lover.  The 10th Anniversary of the Kale Salad, where has the time gone!

Sunday Cortado, 8

Chelsea, New York City

Chelsea, New York City

How do I put into words?  Sometimes it feels I say too much.  About the world, politics, and events that I educate myself through a lot and a lot of articles.  Other times it feels I don't say enough.  When shit happens in our world, and I can only express through a simple quote.  Not even.  

Between small talk with many people, it all came down to "life's short".  I just feel like there is so much more to it.  Life is unexpected, but nevertheless a gift.  Enjoy it, yes, but also, use it wisely.  Spread light and love, yes, but shed light on your rights as well.  Times aren't just crazy, they are challenging.  Challenging us to live with a greater heart.  

As the days go buy, and much busier than planned,  I find myself thinking and being told something must give.  Well, I can guarantee the first thing that comes to mind is my 9-5.  Truth, I've stopped doing a few things I loved and revolved other passions on my everyday obligation.  So much, that I now have this notion to complete it all.  Before, after, and every weekend. The days have definitely proved to be shorter, and everyday I think "do I have to do this?"  Write this blog? Test this recipe?  Create this product? 

While I write to you, drinking my espresso with almond milk, I know this is going to stay for now.  Because, I care.  So, maybe somebody else reading this does to.  

So you want to celebrate Columbus Day?  Let's educate instead.  Puerto Rico sheds light on American colonialism now more than ever.  

I think the connection with your mother is vital for every child.  Check out what's going on in this prison in Lima, Peru

I shower twice a day almost every day.  Excessive? Maybe.  But once a week?  And she looks amazing!

What's your gut type?!  Let's find out, compare, and talk about it, over a green juice. 

Even with the new, but not so new, concept of grass fed will not save our planet.  So appreciative of the way people are becoming more conscious of their meat and dairy consumption in general.

She was the first person to teach me how to make brown sugar and I'll let her do it all over again.

Guess what?  My detox is over.  Bacon Brussel Sprout Fried Rice.  Oh baby.  

When I travel, I love to explore the local markets and food vendors.  Of course LA, you are my dream, now I know exactly where to go.  First stop, Grand Central Market


Sunday Cortado, 7

Kennebunkport, Maine

Kennebunkport, Maine

What a week.  Catching up after a mini vacation is no joke for this girl.  It's straight from reality, to vacation, then a nap back into reality again.  In between all that are things happening, the world changing, and mind racing.  Or is that just me?

I'm struggling to find this balance, you know?  And a part of me wants to say "f*** balance!"  This is lifeI have never been one to put my belief in wellness to the side, but I must admit that meals are skipped, time with loved ones are being sacrificed, and I'm finding it very hard to keep motivated all week long.  

Then I sit down and write these Cortado's.  I gather everything I've read, articles I connected with, from events in the world, to the little things that I want to share. It's not much, but it puts me back in reality, at the same time, taking me away from it.  That's been my goal all along, to share and fight for a world that is so much more beautiful than we give it credit for.  Even if it feels like a whole different one sometimes.

Honestly, I don't have all the answers.  As of late, it's been a lot of, I don't know.  Could it be this transitional period? My cancerian emotions?  Who knows.  What I do know, is that I'm sticking to what I know I love to do.  Posts, recipes, beauty, adventure.  Somebody recently asked me if this is what I want.  My first answer was weak and full of excuses.  Asked me one more time.  I said I couldn't picture myself doing anything else.


If you know me, you know that family is one of my top priorities.  I called my grandma everyday until I knew she got in touch with her sisters, nephews, and nieces.  Not knowing if loved ones are safe for days seem unimaginable.  To know that the place you once called home has been wiped out and in dire need of help can hurt.  Here is what's happening in Puerto Rico and how to help.  

Even after great natural disasters, the beauty in how people come together is one advantage, if any.  Here quick look how Mexico came together after their earthquake.

Are girls smarter than boys? Who cares, give us the opportunities and watch us shine!

Happiness and Health.  But, where do you live?

Do you suffer from juicing guilt?  Here is why you might and how to solve it.  Someone help me though!

Are you into oils, serums, and toners? You need to read this!  It's all about the layers.

It is officially Detox Season!  As I wrote how to create your own, here is help creating your own detox meals. Inspiration, ya'll!

The Art of Fermenting.  My local farmer recommended me this book.  Some people just get me.

Chorizo Pumpkin Pasta and a Pear Galette.  I'm cold and ready for all of it.    


Sunday Cortado, 6

Union Square Green Market, NYC

Union Square Green Market, NYC

You guys, I really do believe the next couple of weeks are going to fly.  Changing leaves, apple pies, brisk mornings, and cold nights, all soon to come or already here.  I say I don't really care for the Fall, but truth be told, I'm kinda excited to use my oven again.  

My Whisk and Mat will be doing it's own changes the next couple of weeks as well.  I'm a little nervous and a lot overwhelmed.  I decided I need to go back to yoga, because that mixture can be scary.  With a transitional season, comes a new mind set, ideas, routines, even wardrobe!  With a New Moon this week, Wednesday Sept 20th, and I am going to make it the MOST....

DACA.  What it means for us and what it means for them.  And, why we all need to care. 

Ending the war on women's health... Who knew we would have to fight so hard for the rights of our hormones and lady parts. 

Ethnic cleansing.  This has been going on for generations in Myanmar.  If you can't get yourself to read the article, PLEASE watch this video.  

I drink almond milk for my health.  Now can we drink it with a better conscious? Milkadamia and free range trees

The Best Places for Vegans to Eat in ALL 50 STATES.  I'm not vegan, but I can appreciate a good plant-based meal. 

Part of my routine every morning are fresh juices and smoothies.  Whether you are a frequent juicer or not, here are some ingredients and recipes to help you start or look out for in the Fall.  

What to Cook in September.  The perfect guide and inspiration!

I am so not a soup person, but I know sniffle season is about to come.  This green noodle soup looks like perfection, and not just on a sick day!

A Peruvian Almuerzo.  Because when you give a healthy-living-wellness-loving Latina an idea to make herself and recreate her family's dishes, you take those ideas and run. Or give them to your dad to make...

WASTED, The Story Of Food Waste.  The perfect mix of Anthony Bourdain, fruits and vegetables, and saving mother earth.  I'm very into it. 


Sunday Cortado, 4

Hudson River Park, NYC

Hudson River Park, NYC

Sometimes, I feel as if I live in my own world.  It was something I found out last year around November, election time.  Whether you are a blogger, health and wellness advocate, sport enthusiast, foodie, or political junkie, you most likely spend most your time researching and reading those topics.  You may even surround yourself with like minded networks of people, Instagram feeds, live or visit those places that just... get you.  

For example, myself, my Instagram is made up of food lovers, health and beauty brandsjunkies, feministas, with the occasional life of friends and family.  I work in the most diverse, fast paced, and accepting cities in the world and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I go to farmers markets where most people have a common belief and love for what local sustainable food/brands has to offer. 

In a way, I think I wanted to keep these Sunday Cortado's going as a way to share interests, educate (both you and I), and maybe learn how to relate to others somewhat better.  My fellow wellness warriors, family, and friends, what's on your mind?  What do wish others would know and see?  We are more than foodies, activists, aspiring artists, travelers.  We care, and that makes our own world a little greater, a little more connected. 

I was having dinner with my family the other day, and my father made a valid point.  You make a greater impact talking face to face with someone, than anything you read or say on the internet. Touché. 

Want to meet and talk with me?  I'm thinking of getting out more, hosting mini pop up events, and making appearances to yours!  If not, let's meet for a Cortado...

There are natural disasters impacting this country to the other side of the world.  Effects are devastating and it's hard to believe there are people now on survival mode and re-adjustmenting.  Please don't forget, we are human and must believe we can always help each other.      

As Summer transitions into Fall, not only does that effect our food and harvest, but body and skin! Summer is a time for protecting and hydrating that sun kissed skin.  Fall is a time for nurturing, nourishing, and revitalizing.  Here is a guide stepping into natural skincare.  

Sweet Treats Beauty is getting a makeover and expanding for the Fall!  Here is what is available now, but I'll make sure to keep you updated with new products to come.

Anyone retired perfumes and fragrances?  When I stepped into natural beauty, it was one of the first things I let go.  Chemicals, money, and strong scents made that very easy.  I think I'm ready to bring it back with this simple DIY

If I can make summer last in any way, it would be with food.  Let's pickle.

How delicious does this Creme Brûlée French Toast sound? I think they use this as a dessert, but with just a little fruit, I'm down for breakfast.  

Watermelon and candied pistachios?  I'll be having that until September 20th, thank you.