Kennebunkport, Maine
What a week. Catching up after a mini vacation is no joke for this girl. It's straight from reality, to vacation, then a nap back into reality again. In between all that are things happening, the world changing, and mind racing. Or is that just me?
I'm struggling to find this balance, you know? And a part of me wants to say "f*** balance!" This is lifeI have never been one to put my belief in wellness to the side, but I must admit that meals are skipped, time with loved ones are being sacrificed, and I'm finding it very hard to keep motivated all week long.
Then I sit down and write these Cortado's. I gather everything I've read, articles I connected with, from events in the world, to the little things that I want to share. It's not much, but it puts me back in reality, at the same time, taking me away from it. That's been my goal all along, to share and fight for a world that is so much more beautiful than we give it credit for. Even if it feels like a whole different one sometimes.
Honestly, I don't have all the answers. As of late, it's been a lot of, I don't know. Could it be this transitional period? My cancerian emotions? Who knows. What I do know, is that I'm sticking to what I know I love to do. Posts, recipes, beauty, adventure. Somebody recently asked me if this is what I want. My first answer was weak and full of excuses. Asked me one more time. I said I couldn't picture myself doing anything else.
If you know me, you know that family is one of my top priorities. I called my grandma everyday until I knew she got in touch with her sisters, nephews, and nieces. Not knowing if loved ones are safe for days seem unimaginable. To know that the place you once called home has been wiped out and in dire need of help can hurt. Here is what's happening in Puerto Rico and how to help.
Even after great natural disasters, the beauty in how people come together is one advantage, if any. Here quick look how Mexico came together after their earthquake.
Are girls smarter than boys? Who cares, give us the opportunities and watch us shine!
Happiness and Health. But, where do you live?
Do you suffer from juicing guilt? Here is why you might and how to solve it. Someone help me though!
Are you into oils, serums, and toners? You need to read this! It's all about the layers.
It is officially Detox Season! As I wrote how to create your own, here is help creating your own detox meals. Inspiration, ya'll!
The Art of Fermenting. My local farmer recommended me this book. Some people just get me.
Chorizo Pumpkin Pasta and a Pear Galette. I'm cold and ready for all of it.