Chelsea, New York City
How do I put into words? Sometimes it feels I say too much. About the world, politics, and events that I educate myself through a lot and a lot of articles. Other times it feels I don't say enough. When shit happens in our world, and I can only express through a simple quote. Not even.
Between small talk with many people, it all came down to "life's short". I just feel like there is so much more to it. Life is unexpected, but nevertheless a gift. Enjoy it, yes, but also, use it wisely. Spread light and love, yes, but shed light on your rights as well. Times aren't just crazy, they are challenging. Challenging us to live with a greater heart.
As the days go buy, and much busier than planned, I find myself thinking and being told something must give. Well, I can guarantee the first thing that comes to mind is my 9-5. Truth, I've stopped doing a few things I loved and revolved other passions on my everyday obligation. So much, that I now have this notion to complete it all. Before, after, and every weekend. The days have definitely proved to be shorter, and everyday I think "do I have to do this?" Write this blog? Test this recipe? Create this product?
While I write to you, drinking my espresso with almond milk, I know this is going to stay for now. Because, I care. So, maybe somebody else reading this does to.
So you want to celebrate Columbus Day? Let's educate instead. Puerto Rico sheds light on American colonialism now more than ever.
I think the connection with your mother is vital for every child. Check out what's going on in this prison in Lima, Peru.
I shower twice a day almost every day. Excessive? Maybe. But once a week? And she looks amazing!
What's your gut type?! Let's find out, compare, and talk about it, over a green juice.
Even with the new, but not so new, concept of grass fed will not save our planet. So appreciative of the way people are becoming more conscious of their meat and dairy consumption in general.
She was the first person to teach me how to make brown sugar and I'll let her do it all over again.
Guess what? My detox is over. Bacon Brussel Sprout Fried Rice. Oh baby.
When I travel, I love to explore the local markets and food vendors. Of course LA, you are my dream, now I know exactly where to go. First stop, Grand Central Market.