Sunday Cortado 17


I love summer rain.  I love the humidity or coolness (you just never know what you are going to get) that comes after.  I love both the thunder and stillness that happens as everyone tries to take cover.  Even the gloom, a calming effect to the usual upbeat excitement of the summer sun.  

During this dreary Sunday, I wanted to share what's been inspiring me.  Because, even on days like these, the love and hustle doesn't stop... in my eyes, it heightens.  Although, you may have the opportunity to take a little more time for yourself, dare I say, relax.  Go back into your book, reorganize your vision board, and maybe have that extra cortadito. 


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Learn that name.  Know that woman.  Changing the game in politics with humility, grace, morals, and strength, it's been amazing to watch.  In case if you are wondering if there are more, here are a few other progressive women to know. 

This one hit home for me in more ways than 1.  Young farmers and the food revolution of Puerto Rico.  This sparked MANY ideas.  

Top chefs working in our public schools is something I'm here for.  I was even excited to see one of my culinary instructors be mentioned. 

I need to see this ASAP! A tiny sustainable home in NYC, part of a UN and Yale project.  

Now that I'm diving into a chef world, I love to see what other chefs are loving and eating.  Healthy or not, it's pretty fascinating.  

This No-Bake Icebox Tres Leches seems like a fun (read easy) twist on my favorite cake.  

I finally read Bourdain's Don't Eat Before Reading This.  It all makes perfect sense!  And I'm proud to say I wasn't so far along. 

"I love the sheer weirdness of the kitchen life: the dreamers, the crackpots, the refugees, and the sociopaths with whom I continue to work;... Admittedly, it’s a life that grinds you down. Most of us who live and operate in the culinary underworld are in some fundamental way dysfunctional."