Rebuilding and My Favorite Banana Bread

I really didn't know at first how I wanted to start this at first.  In general, with blogging about the topic at hand, or something I haven't done in a while, talk food. So, I thought we start out a little heavy, with the lightness and sweetness mixed in through out, till the ending. 

Remember the Mantras, affirmations, and intentions we created for this year? Yea, all those positive ideas and visions that we sought ourselves doing?  How are you guys doing with it?  I hope for the most part you were able to keep them in mind with lightness.  Maybe, you are even making some progress.  But, what happens when shit totally hits the fan?

If it hasn't happened to you yet, I can tell you what went down when it happened to me.  Honestly, it was a long time coming, but it still felt so sudden.  I went from just going along, creating, giving, and feeling great, to just watch it all start coming down.  


I had been BUILDING.  I saw February as the month for everything to launch and grow.  Then when one part went astray, and I broke.  I questioned, cried, and doubted everything I created because of one I couldn't control anymore (in reality, I was loosing grip months ago).  I saw it as a domino effect against my other goals.  It was unreal.  One of the few things that kept me going were the people I could talk too about it.  And most of them said, "FUCK THAT.  Do what you need to do and better."  Really, the people in my life are the OG's and never keep it subtle.  It's a blessing and a curse.  

So with great words of wisdom, alone time, kitchen therapy, and Parenthood binging, I shaped up, readjusted my plans, and here I am. Writing a billion words per minute, excited to share this recipe with y'all, and ready to finally come back where it all began.  

Ahh the kitchen.  Where I have taken refuge the last few weeks.  Where I've been putting my ideas in fierce action.  Creating, testing, sometimes failing, but never giving up.  I have been toying with a banana bread recipe for weeks.  Trying to create one from scratch.  Then, finally, I saw one I couldn't resist.  I had to recreate that one.  

It's the most delicious banana bread I've ever tasted.  I tweaked only a couple of things, just because of what I had on hand, but it was still the best result I gotten.  

Key's to success:  

  1. You need parchment paper and when you use it, make it neat.  I called my wrinkled ends, booty bloopers, and while it still looked beautiful and tasted amazing, for a more traditional look, smooth out that paper!
  2. Do not skimp on the banana, it's the key to moistness.  Yes. Moistness.
  3. Do not open crack on top! Poke another part of center to check if ready.

Whole Wheat Banana Bread 

adapted by Hippy Banana Bread by Tracy of Shutterbean  

  • 1 and 1/2 cup whole wheat pasty flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon 
  • 1/2 grape seed oil
  • 1/2 brown sugar
  • 1/4 maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 ripe bananas, mashed 
  • 1/2 dates, chopped
  • 1/2 shopped macadamia nuts, chopped (or walnuts)

Preheat oven to 350. Line 8x4 loaf pan with parchment paper

In small bowl, mix flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon.

In a larger bowl, whisk together oil, brown sugar, maple syrup, vanilla, eggs, and banana.

Fold dry ingredients into wet.  Do not over mix or whisk.  Then add nuts and dates.  

Transfer into lined pan and into the oven for 55 min.  Enjoy!

Here is to the decision to keep that momentum of growth in every aspect of life going, even if that means taking a little more time to rebuild one.  It may just end up bigger and more impactful than you ever imagined. 

With sweet, soul, nourishment.