Sunday Cortado, 12

Union Square Greenmarket, NYC

Union Square Greenmarket, NYC

Let's get cozy.  

I hope you are lucky enough to have a cortado or espresso in hand, with a chunky sweater, and fuzzy slippers.  These months are sometimes a bit trying, but contain the most beautiful moments and scenes I know.  

With a world so unpredictable and the weather that follows, how are you keeping inspired to just keep going?  To make it all worth it? Reading, Christmas movies, cooking, and cozy blankets, have been my therapy of choice.  The inspiration to share, connect, and constant talks with friends and family have been the push to keep it going.  

Not many, but definitely the standouts... Happy Sunday, my dears!

An Explanation on U.S. Mass Shootings, gives a harsh reality about our countries faults.  

Why They Didn't Stop The Harassment, because sadly looking the other way seemed like the only thing to do.  

An interview with Deb, from Smitten Kitchen and Ella, from Deliciously Ella.  If you are a food or wellness blogger, you may understand the anxiety in change and social media.  The common ground? Stay true, ya'll. 

Settling in Paris.  Kind of like vacationing like a local, but on a whole, pretty funny, level.  Take notes!

What to Cook This November.  It's warm and yummy. 

A moisturizer made out of your own blood.  Blood Cream.  I am intrigued.  

The time of year for boozy festivities, cheese platters, and very dry cold weather.  Activated charcoal, the supplement for detox and beauty this season?  

Baby, it's cold outside.  Let's treat ourselves to a jacket or two.  


Detox Introduction and Tomato Corn Salad


Yes, we are still in summer mode.  Pumpkin, squash, apples, and pears will have to wait.  I promise, they will still be making their appearance soon and for a while.  

Now is the perfect time to start weaning yourself away from the hot dogs and hamburgers, the spritzers and rosé, and all the ice cream.  Just kidding.  Not all.  Not ever.  Allow me to explain. 


For the fall, I always recommend a little detox.  The question as to which kind, I always leave up to the you guys.  I could do a session and help you figure out which one is meant for you, or we can try them all!  I have, and not only did that allow me to learn more about myself and body, it helped me figure out there was so much more to learn. 

We have a whole new season and ball game around the corner, and even though we won't be in our bikinis and attending hella cook outs, our body needs a reset.  If you live in the northern parts like myself, winter can be brutal.  We need to plan, prep, and assimilate.  All the why's and how's I'll go through soon enough, but here is a nice idea or start. 


Personally, my go to detox is one based off clean vegan foods. Lots and lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  Basically, what I offer on Detox Delivered would be my go to meals for those few days and this salad coming up will definitely make the cut.  A quick way to get your veggies in, simple ingredients, and LOTS of flavor. Also, soooo adaptable.  Add quinoa, garbanzos, black beans, boiled eggs, or cheese.  Although, nix the cheese for detox inspiration. I know, scary. 


How have you been enjoying the last of Summer produce?  Although, the favorites are becoming scarce, we do have the new ones coming up.  Squash, apples, and pears are what I've been peeping late this season.  Yes, I peep.  

These hardier grounding foods will be great to add to later detoxes and clean eating.  Yes, we can still eat clean and healthy-ish during Fall.  For now, I got you with a late Summer no-cook meal.  Because, it's still pretty warm and I like you guys.  A lot.



Tomato Corn Salad

  • 2 fresh sweet corns
  • 1 pint grape or heirloom tomatoes
  • 1/2 bunch cilantro
  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • 1 lime
  • salt

Remove all the kernals from your corn cob by simply running a knife through.  Cut in half or quarters your tomatoes, depending how big.  Remove leaves from cilantro stems and roughly chop.  Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.  Add the olive oil, lime juice, and a pinch of salt!  Enjoy!


If you are interested in detoxes or coaching services, please let me know! 

Fall Transition Guide: Part 3


Yes! The finale of our transition!  Fall has been here for a full month now?  How has it been?  

There has almost been a confusion in New Jersey.  From 60 degrees to 80 and back in one week. I think it gave most of us a bit more time to get into the groove of Fall.  I must admit, I was super content with the little extended summer feels.  Bright yellow mini skirts and green juices definitely made their appearance.  Now it's time for fun stuff.  The continuous nourishment for the season upon us. 

We have already went through the acceptance, we made progress into making space in our system.  Now we make way into changing routines.  Nothing ever changes if we keep doing the same things.  Here is a way to make the most out of the rest of your Fall and ENTIRE Winter.  

Daily Oil Massages

An Ayurvedic practice and ritual for my seasonal beauties!

Time to switch up your oils first!  In the summer or in hotter climates, I always recommend using coconut oil.  Although, for the winter we want to switch over to almond or sesame oil.  Almond oil, being a bit thicker, it is also enriched with vitamin E which is great to treat dry skin, what most of us suffer from.  This is great to use everyday after a shower, massage oil on wet skin and pat to dry.  This keeps skin moisturized and still feeling light the whole day.

Sesame oil is the ultimate luxury.  Great for end of the day showers to keep skin extra hydrated throughout the whole night.  Not a big night-time cleanser?  A simple foot massage with sesame and essential oil will both warm and relax your body for a great night sleep.  

Daily Routines

More sleep.  This one has definitely been easier for me, than what I'm usually used to.  With shorter days and longer nights, a good 8 hours a night is something to enjoy without guilt.  Another exciting thing for my late risers?  Six in the morning wakeup calls seem fair enough, I think.

Exercise is still top priority.  Keeping the momentum going from summer is just what we need.  This will balance the heavy foods eaten, helping to keep the movement and heat of our digestive system.  If you are active while eating the right foods, you can actually maintain your weight that I know we all worked so hard for in the summer... If not, we'll just say the healthy fats are keeping us Vata selves warm and energized.

There are many other little things and practices we can do everyday to keep us at our healthiest state during this time of year.  I follow many Ayurvedic practices such as daily nasal cleansing and oiling to everyday dry brushing to keep the circulation of the lymph flowing.  Dry brushing will act as both a detox and every day self-care practice. 

Find what special oils and creations work with you to keep your skin looking healthy during this time of year.  Hint, you may glow even in the winter!

think we are due for a beauty post...



Fall Transition Guide: Part 2

Officially here.  The beginning of October.  I've been breaking out my sweaters and boots, feeling so confident I am a little more prepared for what the next few months have in store .  I don't know if you were aware, but there was a new moon last week, and boy did I feel it's raft.  

It was more of a wake up call.  Not one of the easiest, but definitely something that made me rethink, "Why am I doing this and do I still love it?"  So much so, I took a few days break, and this is what I concluded.  I'm going to keep this shit going and growing.  

Let's cleanse.  Let's balance what we eat.  Let's enjoy everything that enters our beautiful bodacious selves.


We want to rid the body of Toxins.  Toxic buildup over the last few months.  If you are like me, you TRY and do this about twice a year.  So around this time, it's just what you might need for that pick-me-up.  This will readjust our digestive system and make space for what we will need during the winter months.  It's a lot more than you think. 





We are going to reignite the fire within us.  Using one of my favorite ways to treat and care for almost everything... food.  The food will reawaken what may want to become still from the cool air around us.  We are talking mentally and physically, to keep it moving.  I believe to help one, we must help the other.  So for now, let us start with nourishment we put in our bodies.  





We focus so much on maintaining this perfect healthy vision.  Or maybe more time figuring it out.  If we can just take one day to one week to reset, you may find the continuation a little easier.  That's the best part.  To keep it going.  

If you are curious of the extremities/benefits of juicing, GO FOR IT.  I highly recommend to try it at least once in your life.  If not, Kitchari, for my Ayurveda believers and lovers.  And when all else seems intimidating in some way, lets eat clean.  

Whole grains, cooked veggies, VEGAN deliciousness.  And I mean, vegan DELICIOUSNESS.





Doing this may remind you, more than you like, why you chose it.  Was it reconnecting?  Curiosity? A feeling of accomplishment? To start over?  No matter what the reasoning, there is no wrong answer.  It's because I guarantee you will find something else involved.  You will learn something amazing about yourself and body, that you didn't know possible.  Never underestimate the power of SELF healing.

Ignite your own fire this Fall!