Grounding This Winter


If you’ve read my blog for a while or have had enough converstations about my belief in health, one thing that may have came up is Ayurveda. Ayurveda is translated as the science of life.

For about eight years, I’ve kept Ayurveda in the front and back of my mind when taking care of my health. It’s how I use my body constitution and whatever season it is to stay well. For example, I have a very flighty mind. Different ideas and emotions come up, that even loved ones always had a hard time keeping up with. I tend to get cold very easily partly because of my small frame. My mind and body is ruled by air and ether. Constantly moving and changing, I work hard every winter to stay afloat, which is why winter is my season to show up and ground.

From the food I eat, to my morning routines, I am constantly aware. Working with the cold and dry air among us to stay calm, warm, and nourished. How? I use simple practices and tools that work for me. As I said we may have different body types and constitutions, but seeing as I have the opportunity to work with the winter with more attention and awareness, maybe you can see what you might need when feeling a bit… off.

How to Ground Yourself this Winter


During the summer, most of us stay out, vacation, and revel in the long warm days. Rightfully so, we should take advantage of the seasons warmth and tolerable weather to enjoy! In the winter, my routine is more important than ever. Waking up early to make the most of the shorter days is most important to me. I make sure to keep to my morning and night routines. Lemon water to start my day, teas to end, three or four cups of coffee in between. I make sure to dry brush and get my daily oil massages to keep my skin hydrated and lymphatic system flowing. These can be expanded, but for now pick what you love and stick to it!


Listen to your body. Listen to the season. Listen. For myself, it’s my digestion. I try to remember that I need a decent diet of some vegetable and whole grains in the day. But sometimes, takeout and laziness takes over, and I find myself backed up more than I like. Rather than do a quick fix, I work on it for the long run. Taking supplements, fiber, and eating better. I get myself back on track in a lasting way. Quick relief for constipation, body pain, or irregular sleep (which are usual season ailments) don’t feel as good as the long run would.

Keep it seasonal

Foods grown in your area are your best friend. They have the most nutrition and are most delicious so your body comes to crave them. Hearty soups filled with carrots, squash, potatoes, and sturdy greens. Roasted and cooked dishes that give you warmth and comfort on the coldest of nights. When your body needs it most, mother earth delivers. In the winter these root vegetables allow you to feel stable as that’s how they grow themselves. Bigger gourds, larger leaves, sturdy grown closest to the ground, it’s what you need the most during these colder brutal months.


I work from home teaching, write from my living room, create menus using my pillow as a desk. Although there are times when I bust my ass in the kitchen for a whole day, those days get to me. My body becomes stiff in a way that I start to fear leaving my apartment and the 10 flights back to my door. Yoga a few times a week, simple stretches, and walks do wonders for a body that may tend to stiffen up a little more during these colder months. If you can work up a sweat, I applaud you, I’m not there yet.

Enjoy. Now.

Now more than ever it can be tough to get that motivation. Cooking everyday is not for everyone, moving when all you do is work from home can be difficult, and beating the seasonal depression can seem impossible when social distancing, closures, and sickness is all around. I’m not big on thinking about the future. I’m a present kind of girl, but these circumstances are not forever. So as you save for that house, put money towards your retirement, build your business. That’s all still going to happen, so keep yourself grounded and focused for now and then.

Making Space This Spring


I’m writing this to you on the Spring Equinox, full moon, and three months till my 3-0 birthday. This is no big deal, just making it big because I want to. And I can, because this is the place I share things that help me relate in the deepest way to all of you. So a quick thank you, THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE NOW! And, we shall continue.

So, it is finally here. That little glimpse of hope for my people still hustling in this frigid (I’m dramatic, remember) cold weather. I don’t know about you, but I suffered in my usual fashion. With my move to New York, finishing up culinary school, and still not knowing what is to come next month (again, typical Yesi fashion), my urge to hibernate and not deal with it all has stronger than ever. But, I did. I pushed, then hibernated, drank a lot of wine, ate a lot of roasted vegetables, walked to places unknown, then hibernated some more. What happens when we ground, separate ourselves from the outside world even? We think, a a lot.

During the winter, I find myself secluded and internally focused more than ever. Makes sense. We have time to assess and prepare, to make ourselves feel comforted, whether from what we consume to our surroundings. We may eat a little more heavily (almost always seasonally acceptable), clutter our space to comfort or fit our every desire. If you are me, we hardly make it out. In general, it’s cold.

With daylight savings, it only served as a slight reminder. The time is coming to clear out. I don’t so much make a whole production like I used to. No kitchari, no juicing, no cleaning out closets or wiping down my whole place to smell like Method cleaner. We are doing what’s needed. When making space, I’ve learned it doesn’t have to be so grand, but what you see fit. Our needs, changes, and level of ability vary, so rather than go beyond my comfort to make space, I rather stay warm and open up to the not so comfortable that may take room.

Spring is three months, so I make three points. We are still in the beginning, so if you are looking to make changes, it’s okay to take your time…

  1. Make space in your surroundings.

    I tend to have extra blankets, candles, and sweaters lying around all winter long. I like to tackle one room or space at a time. One big clean can jumpstart a season of maintenance. And, while my closet doesn’t really need to be cleaned out (I literally left more that half my stuff behind), I will start folding up sweaters and knits. Leaving space for the simplicity of the warmer weather is one of my favorite to-dos. Don’t underestimate the power of a good T-shirt and jeans combo!

  2. When it comes to food, think GREEN.

    And I’m not talking juices or smoothies. Literally the market will have a theme of green leaves and more. We are still early for the bright reds and oranges of peppers, tomatoes, peaches, and strawberries (can you tell I”m a lover of summer), but we still have a good selection! Greens will naturally either help cleanse your system or give you the extra nutrition boost to go along with the blooming spring season. Like leaves growing away from the soil, I believe we slowly move forward from the grounding practices and earthy vegetables of winter.

  3. Move.

    Confession. This is my “obstacle” and if there is anything that might bring me slightly out of my comfort zone, it’s to move. It’s crazy how we get so accustomed to what we do most, and if you work a desk 9-5 job, you know what I mean. Whether you’re a runner, spinner, or power yogi, I believe these exercise help not just release toxins, but thought as well. You will be doing the mind and body justice to relieve what has been cooped up all winter longer.

So do we fill this Space? Use it? Let it be?

I say it’s all up to you, my dears. I look at this as a time to release, reset, and recharge. I also use each of these points as guide lines. Some are more important, even complicated, to me than others. With my lifestyle, I want to use the joint effort of greens and sweat to boost my energy and immunity to allow something new in. Whether job, friends, or adventure, I’m looking to fulFILL again. As seasons and time go by, the more I see and appreciate the uniqueness in us all. So the saying goes, “Do you, boo!”

Do it with all your heart and health.

Everyday Cleansing Into Everyday Wellness

York River, Maine

York River, Maine

You know that point during the vacation when you put your hands on your stomach and then think to yourself, " I def need a detox when I get home."  I had that feeling during my last meal in Maine.  I think it was the lobster pizza and mac'n cheese that put me over the edge (pictures to come!), but a girl gotta live!

For the most part I was able to maintain a couple of everyday rituals to keep me grounded and prepared for whatever the day would bring, while I was there.  Things I knew were essential to waking up feeling better and ready for whatever lied ahead.

After only a couple of days of being back home, I was able to drink my green juices and smoothies, have some yogurt, and still enjoy some Indian and Thai take out.  After missing the weekend, I was trying to get settled ALL WEEK, which means groceries was done in increments.  I find it easier for me to go to the market a few times a week for what I need than a huge haul.  I blame the farmer market.  

People believe it's all about what you eat that effects your overall health, but wellness taught me something greater.  It's a lifestyle. Where the mind, body, gut, all connect and work together to help you live your best life.  When you feel good you do good, and when you do good you feel even better.  So, I always use key practices to help me stay on track.  Know matter where.  To keep my body healthy and my mind open, it's not always perfect, but consistency is what plays a major role.

*These are practice I have been doing for more about four or five years.  They may not work over night, but I do recommend a consistent practice for at least a month to feel/see results.

Lemon Water

The wellness trend that took the tribe by storm.  You've probably heard of it, probably tried it, but are you still doing it?  A cup of warm water with lemon every morning is known for doing the body sooo good, and for great reason.  We hydrate first thing in the morning and automatically get our digestive system fired up for the day.  Especially during colder months are digestive systems actually slows down.  Makes sense since your body is trying so hard to keep itself warm.  We want to get the gut going for maybe the heavier foods we may be putting in.  Also, with a swig of apple cider vinegar you are balancing your pH (which is super acidic in the morning), stabilizing blood sugar, and getting your metabolism going.  Point is to hydrate, cleanse, and fire up our systems every morning.  No special detox needed. 

Dry Brushing

An ayurvedic ritual that seems to be growing.  People actually do this for different reasons, but the point is they all work and you feel great.  Dry brushing allows you to help stimulate the lymphatic system, which actually is one of your larger systems that runs throughout your whole body.  You help stimulate the vessels and fluid that help carry these immune boosting, infection fight white blood cells throughout the body.  Want to get sick less?  Add this to your morning routine before a shower.  Also a natural exfoliation and known to reduce the look of cellulite, it's become an easy way to actually appreciate my whole body every morning.  How to here.

Therapeutic Oil Massage

Because nothing says love like a massage.  And you can give yourself one every night.  I find myself doing this as a relaxation method more than anything else.  With a warming oil to help massage and release fluid from muscles after a long day,  I do right before bed.  After a shower at night while the skin is still warm and wet, you want to massage oil deeply into your skin. Using sesame seed oil, which is a warming oil, (or almond if sesame feels too much for you ) you work it into your whole body from feet to neck.  Pat softly with a towel to remove any excess/  Doing this while still wet will help your skin absorb the oil, leaving you moisturized and not oily ,the whole night.  These winter months can be brutal so keeping your skin hydrated, your body warm, and muscles relaxed is essential.


An ayurvedic blend, it naturally supports cleansing, digestion, and an antioxidant.  I think it's perfect to start to take on a detox as it will work even further help cleanse internal system and although it does say it will keep you regular, this is not a laxative!  A gentle support to help regular bowel movements release toxic buildup.  This is meant to help all three doshas according to Ayurveda practices. For more information, check out this link!

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Creating Your Own Detox

Peaks Island, Maine

Peaks Island, Maine

One of my favorite topics.  Honestly, it both excites me and makes me nervous, but I can't deny the fact that I always find myself in need of it this time of year.  

I want to make this thorough, but still quick and painless. Let's jump right into it!

What is a detox?

First thing.  There isn't a one sentence answer I can give, mostly because there isn't just one kind.  From kidney and liver detoxes, to Spring and Fall detoxes, Ayurvedic Detoxes, and the infamous juice cleanse.  What do all of these have in common?  They are all meant to remove a buildup of toxins, rejuvenate your internal systems, therefore give you more energy and clarity.  If done correctly, guaranteed.  Simply put, release the bad, fire up the good.  

Why and When to detox?

Every couple of seasons our bodies go through drastic changes to adapt and keep us healthy.  Particularly during extreme summer months and frigid winter months.  It is during spring and fall, that we focus ridding the toxin buildup in our systems, such as lymphatic and intestinal, so we may stay healthy and feel good for the next season to come.  Our bodies have different routines, sleep schedules, food intake, and digestion processes during summer and winter, as it should be, it's only fair to help ourselves readjust so we feel our best.  Think heavier foods and fats in the winter and longer days in the summer. 

When we rid the toxins, we at the same time fire up our systems.  Especially our digestion system.  Our gut is actually responsible for most of the endorphins that are connected to our brain.  When our gut is healthy and happy, we are.  We obtain more energy, immunity, and clarity all while simply nourishing selves during these transitional (or any) seasons.  

How to detox?

I think this is the part that surprises people the most.  There is not just one way to detox!  Even simple everyday tools will put you on the right track.  That's for another post.  For now, here are a few different kinds that you can try or take a bit of information from each to create your own.

Juice Cleanse.  This is one of the more obtainable intense resets.  The point of the juice cleanse is for one day to three days, you give your digestion system a complete break.  Instead you get all the nutrients you need to help target and detox other areas.  With organic nutrient dense juices, you cleanse your liver and kidneys, while other internal systems get the bulk of attention and energy.  Our digestive system NEVER STOPS WORKING.  We eat all day, everyday, you can only imagine the amount of energy our body puts just to digesting food and fiber.  A juice cleanse focuses to detox other systems so we rid toxins, heavy metals, while still having great energy.

*This cleanse is not for the faint of heart.  It's important to get a lot of nutrient dense juices throughout the day to keep you hydrated, sustained, and energized.

Ayurvedic Cleanse.  My, oh my.  This one is pretty dear to my.  It is actually one of the first cleanses I ever did.  The perfect cleanse designed for your body type.  Ayurveda simply means the science of life.  An ancient way of living from India, it has remained prominent practice both in India and has made it's way into the wellness world  Depending if you are Vata, Pitta, or Kapha, everything is taken into account from everyday practices to how to detox and cleanse your body.  Everything from meals and liquids, oils and scents, even when to work out is for your specific Dosha.

*This may be difficult for those with a fluctuating schedule.  Hot lunches and meal times are important to keep in mind, as it's about eating (or not) consciously throughout the day

Whole Foods Cleanse.  Not to be confused with the Whole 30 cleanse.  This one focuses on clean eating through real and all three meals. Snacks, smoothies, and juices all included.  This is great for those who maybe are experimenting with the whole wellness-clean-eating thang.  It's actually one of my favorites.  Vegan is the best option, but for those who need a little something more, eggs, organic pasture raised chicken, and salmon are my favorite protein options to include.  By eliminating refined sugars, caffeine, alcohol, heavy meats, and then adding organic seasonal produce, herbs, and superfoods, you are giving your body optimal nutrition.  This will help rid toxins, get energy, clear skin, and shed a little weight!

Who can detox?

Anyone and everyone.  It's just figuring out what is right for you.  If you have any health concerns such as diabetes, autoimmune diseases, or intestine inflammation, consult with a doctor first.  Insist that you are interested in taking a holistic approach and then do your research!  Partner with a nutrition or health coach (hey, there!) and get the ball rolling.  A detox is the perfect way to jump start your way to wellness and make space from the inside outside. 



Ayurvedic Turmeric Latte

So yea, about this transition to Spring... maybe we gotta take it slow.

I've done the meals, cut down on the meat, and already prepped for Spring detoxes to come.  But, in case you missed the memo, we are experiencing freezing temperatures, icy winds, and too much snow to actually enjoy. Believe me, I reverted to my hearty winter meals mixed with some good oven-lovin' cooking, REALLY FAST.  Wasn't the easiest to do, and I wish I could say I did it with a genuine a smile, but you know the way my body works, I barely made it.  

How do you guys cope? Accept?  Mind you, I said "accept" and not "adapt."  This whole winter I thought I was right on track.  I decided that I would be an Eskimo and that was okay.  I've tried everything to make this new transition of work a little easier.  Learning everyday something new to help my days go smoother.

It was not  until a few days ago I realized I was just learning to adapt, and I was not learning to accept.  Accepting the fact that winter's will always be intense, no matter how much I eat.  I may have to start questioning what is possible and what is reality.  Accepting that maybe the hardest and harshest of situations, will actually bring an abundance of beauty I never knew possible. 

To celebrate the comeback of winter, I made you a special drink.  An Ayurvedic Turmeric Latte.  Turmeric has properties I believe to be as strong as any medicine.  Not only an anti-inflammatory, treating ulcers, arthritis, and liver damage.  It also is a preventative of colds and DNA damage, keeping you feeling and looking young.  I usually take turmeric with my morning tonic, but this is a nice little midday or nighttime treat. 

Mix into an a neutral milk (I use almond) with cinnamon for flavor, pepper for absorption, coconut oil for another whole slew of benefits, honey for vitamins and sweetness.  A trending drink to match the already well-known and loved spice. You may adjust the ingredients how you like.  

The point is to keep it simple, enjoyable, and the let the turmeric shine.  Hoping this gives you a bit of comfort and warmth, while seeing the beauty in the simple things. 

Turmeric Latte



  • ~1 cup milk
  • 1 tbs coconut oil
  • 1 tbs raw honey
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1/4 tsp cinnoman 
  • pinch of salt and pepper

Whisk and enjoy!


Fall Transition Guide: Part 2

Officially here.  The beginning of October.  I've been breaking out my sweaters and boots, feeling so confident I am a little more prepared for what the next few months have in store .  I don't know if you were aware, but there was a new moon last week, and boy did I feel it's raft.  

It was more of a wake up call.  Not one of the easiest, but definitely something that made me rethink, "Why am I doing this and do I still love it?"  So much so, I took a few days break, and this is what I concluded.  I'm going to keep this shit going and growing.  

Let's cleanse.  Let's balance what we eat.  Let's enjoy everything that enters our beautiful bodacious selves.


We want to rid the body of Toxins.  Toxic buildup over the last few months.  If you are like me, you TRY and do this about twice a year.  So around this time, it's just what you might need for that pick-me-up.  This will readjust our digestive system and make space for what we will need during the winter months.  It's a lot more than you think. 





We are going to reignite the fire within us.  Using one of my favorite ways to treat and care for almost everything... food.  The food will reawaken what may want to become still from the cool air around us.  We are talking mentally and physically, to keep it moving.  I believe to help one, we must help the other.  So for now, let us start with nourishment we put in our bodies.  





We focus so much on maintaining this perfect healthy vision.  Or maybe more time figuring it out.  If we can just take one day to one week to reset, you may find the continuation a little easier.  That's the best part.  To keep it going.  

If you are curious of the extremities/benefits of juicing, GO FOR IT.  I highly recommend to try it at least once in your life.  If not, Kitchari, for my Ayurveda believers and lovers.  And when all else seems intimidating in some way, lets eat clean.  

Whole grains, cooked veggies, VEGAN deliciousness.  And I mean, vegan DELICIOUSNESS.





Doing this may remind you, more than you like, why you chose it.  Was it reconnecting?  Curiosity? A feeling of accomplishment? To start over?  No matter what the reasoning, there is no wrong answer.  It's because I guarantee you will find something else involved.  You will learn something amazing about yourself and body, that you didn't know possible.  Never underestimate the power of SELF healing.

Ignite your own fire this Fall!