Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley
Happy New Year, my dears! I wish I could have done an end of the year post, but internet service and life get's in the way. As there hasn't been a Cortado in almost two months, and I even miss the one planned, we have some extra links and loves. I think there may be a little bit for everyone here to enjoy. Or, maybe just me?
Enjoy this Cortadito, set a little different for my wide (but pretty predictable if you know me, and I think you all do) selection of interests and reads!
New York Lovin'
Help the homeless as these freezing temperatures hit for frequent New Yorkers.
Otherwise, enjoy like some of these people who clearly aren't afraid of a good flurry.
Case for the Subway: It helped build the city, now it's time for the city to help build it back.
Latino History and Literature
Dare I say that Puerto Rico is a VISIBLE example of colonialism gone wrong. Here is something for those who still dream.
I'm on mission to get through the most influential literature by latinos (is this a college elective or book club? Sign me up) of my time.
My favorites so far? Juniot Diaz, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. And Drown and This Is How You Lose Her.
Rights and Movements
Boston. Racism. Image. Reality. Surprising statistics from a well known "progressive and liberal" city.
How these celebrities are standing up and helping ALL WOMEN. Time's Up!
Single people. We still exist, now more than ever. Don't underestimate us.
Food and Health
5 Superfoods to Eat in 2018. Or forever.
Inflammation-Fighting Winter Vegetables. Still yummy.
Who want's to go out in this cold weather anyway? What to Cook This January.
2018 Intentions and Visions (Yes, I have them too)
Yoga. Yoga. Yoga. And practice. A great way to look at the New Year using this Yoga Trifecta.
Let's talk money and savings. I had a scary revelation on my everyday Americano habit....
I always say, Rihanna as a singer, eh. Rihanna as style and fashion bad ass, show me the way!