Peaks Island, Maine
One of my favorite topics. Honestly, it both excites me and makes me nervous, but I can't deny the fact that I always find myself in need of it this time of year.
I want to make this thorough, but still quick and painless. Let's jump right into it!
What is a detox?
First thing. There isn't a one sentence answer I can give, mostly because there isn't just one kind. From kidney and liver detoxes, to Spring and Fall detoxes, Ayurvedic Detoxes, and the infamous juice cleanse. What do all of these have in common? They are all meant to remove a buildup of toxins, rejuvenate your internal systems, therefore give you more energy and clarity. If done correctly, guaranteed. Simply put, release the bad, fire up the good.
Why and When to detox?
Every couple of seasons our bodies go through drastic changes to adapt and keep us healthy. Particularly during extreme summer months and frigid winter months. It is during spring and fall, that we focus ridding the toxin buildup in our systems, such as lymphatic and intestinal, so we may stay healthy and feel good for the next season to come. Our bodies have different routines, sleep schedules, food intake, and digestion processes during summer and winter, as it should be, it's only fair to help ourselves readjust so we feel our best. Think heavier foods and fats in the winter and longer days in the summer.
When we rid the toxins, we at the same time fire up our systems. Especially our digestion system. Our gut is actually responsible for most of the endorphins that are connected to our brain. When our gut is healthy and happy, we are. We obtain more energy, immunity, and clarity all while simply nourishing selves during these transitional (or any) seasons.
How to detox?
I think this is the part that surprises people the most. There is not just one way to detox! Even simple everyday tools will put you on the right track. That's for another post. For now, here are a few different kinds that you can try or take a bit of information from each to create your own.
Juice Cleanse. This is one of the more obtainable intense resets. The point of the juice cleanse is for one day to three days, you give your digestion system a complete break. Instead you get all the nutrients you need to help target and detox other areas. With organic nutrient dense juices, you cleanse your liver and kidneys, while other internal systems get the bulk of attention and energy. Our digestive system NEVER STOPS WORKING. We eat all day, everyday, you can only imagine the amount of energy our body puts just to digesting food and fiber. A juice cleanse focuses to detox other systems so we rid toxins, heavy metals, while still having great energy.
*This cleanse is not for the faint of heart. It's important to get a lot of nutrient dense juices throughout the day to keep you hydrated, sustained, and energized.
Ayurvedic Cleanse. My, oh my. This one is pretty dear to my. It is actually one of the first cleanses I ever did. The perfect cleanse designed for your body type. Ayurveda simply means the science of life. An ancient way of living from India, it has remained prominent practice both in India and has made it's way into the wellness world Depending if you are Vata, Pitta, or Kapha, everything is taken into account from everyday practices to how to detox and cleanse your body. Everything from meals and liquids, oils and scents, even when to work out is for your specific Dosha.
*This may be difficult for those with a fluctuating schedule. Hot lunches and meal times are important to keep in mind, as it's about eating (or not) consciously throughout the day
Whole Foods Cleanse. Not to be confused with the Whole 30 cleanse. This one focuses on clean eating through real and all three meals. Snacks, smoothies, and juices all included. This is great for those who maybe are experimenting with the whole wellness-clean-eating thang. It's actually one of my favorites. Vegan is the best option, but for those who need a little something more, eggs, organic pasture raised chicken, and salmon are my favorite protein options to include. By eliminating refined sugars, caffeine, alcohol, heavy meats, and then adding organic seasonal produce, herbs, and superfoods, you are giving your body optimal nutrition. This will help rid toxins, get energy, clear skin, and shed a little weight!
Who can detox?
Anyone and everyone. It's just figuring out what is right for you. If you have any health concerns such as diabetes, autoimmune diseases, or intestine inflammation, consult with a doctor first. Insist that you are interested in taking a holistic approach and then do your research! Partner with a nutrition or health coach (hey, there!) and get the ball rolling. A detox is the perfect way to jump start your way to wellness and make space from the inside outside.